Friday, April 29, 2016

Spring Break Mad City Money

It's Spring Break for Corning/ Painted Post Schools!  Luckily this break coincided with Money Smart week this year,April 23-30, 2016.  This gave me the opportunity to schedule our annual Mad City Money event presented by the Corning Credit Union.
Mad City Money, presented by Corning Credit Union
Mad City Money is real life simulation game, quite like the Game of Life.  Please read  this description of our Mad City Money event from 2015 to get a feel for all of the excitement. There were less students available this year, which means Spring Break is not a good time to plan a financial literacy event.  Nevertheless, 12 students got a real life lesson on being adults. 
"Bills, bills, bills!  It's so hard being an adult!"
These kids got a taste of how hard balancing a budget for needs is when you have the world of desires at your fingertips.  Who wants to buy a bus pass when a Ferrari is an option?!  And while dealing with a highly persuasive used car salesperson, like we did, choosing wisely might not be the easiest option.
Trust the salesperson or trust your gut?
After a two hour simulation, the students regrouped to discuss their experience.  All agreed this was a great lesson.  None of them underestimate the struggle their families face daily.  
But all were equally relieved that the simulation was over and it was time to be a kid again!
"I want to stay a kid forever!"
A special note of gratitude goes to our volunteers who became "merchants" for an afternoon.  Extra KUDOS go to the Corning Credit Union team who make this program possible in our region.  Great work!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Recycled Fashion, the final days

Recycled Runway Fashion show is June 4 and we cannot seem to work fast enough. Students were treated to an extra day off of school for Spring Break, which fell on our Fashion Friday Club work day.  This means less helpers were available to finish our creation.  Have no Fear, we will conquer this mission.
An "Inside" View
With staplers, hot glue guns, and yarn in hand, our team of designers understands the pressure of this deadline and works very hard to complete the task.  I bet they will never see water bottles or yarn the same way again.
Organized Chaos
The piles of donated yarn have become integral to this design and will provide color and texture to this creation.  There is a lovely balance of chaos and order, which will please the audience.  Fitting this "organized chaos" onto our petite model will be a minor challenge, but we stare "challenge" in the eyes and charge onward.

There is only one class left, just days before the runway.  The pressure is on to complete and refine before the BIG DAY.  Check back in May for the final sneak peeks before the show.  Better yet- get your ticket to the show.  You will be amazed!
2015 Runway Desgns