Friday, October 30, 2015

Get Away @ Your Library

Teen Read Week was October 18-24 this year.  We had two great programs for the "Get Away @ Your Library" theme.
One Page Comic Books was scheduled during our teen Anime' group program.  This allowed for a very mixed age group.  Some kids had never read a comic book before!

Laura Charles lead the group with her comic credentials.  Just a day out of River Road Expo, Laura had the comic scene fresh in her mind.  Here are a few samples of the work created in comic style.

Altered Books was another chance to Get Away @ Your Library.  We had a collection of books that were saved from recycling.---Not all books go on shelves or to good homes, as these kids learned.
Rip 'em, cut 'em, glue 'em
Handing out scissors, utility knives, glues, beads, googly eyes, etc., we all got busy breaking down books into new creations.
"Cutting up books seems WRONG!!!"
This was an interesting process for the group, who L.O.V.E. books!!!  Who cuts books like this?! But soon enough everyone had a vision and method to their madness.

Amelia made a shadow box

This became a dragon emerging from a volcano---lots of work done at home.
These pages became flowers
Ethan built a battle scene
Even the adults in the class got fancy
The heart of the book
And Christopher Columbus got a makeover...
Blacklight reactive Chris
These programs were a fun break away from regular library programs. Altered Books struck some artistic nerves with several students, who will provide their creations for display in the next few weeks--we hope!

Check back again soon for more exciting adventures in the SSC Library and Teen Tones.