Friday, July 24, 2015

Library Unmasked--The Results

So many of you had a blast at the Library Unmasked program last Friday.  Those of you who could not attend, please enjoy the festivities through jpeg.  
Lasers in the Library

Capture the Villain

Grr made an appearance and surprised the Minion

Art prints were raffled

Cupcakes were designed and Super Hero Soup was consumed

The costume contest was a serious undertaking

We had so much fun entertaining the crowd and playing like kids should.  There is more to share, but I am out of time until August.  Stop back soon for more "Library Unmasked" coverage.

Please join us next time!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Library Unmasked

If you are seeking plans for this Friday, July 17 from 6-8 pm, look no further.  The SSC Library is hosting a first ever cosplay event after hours and it is going to knock off your socks!

Do you love costumes and superheroes?  Does the idea of a Super Smash Bros. competition throw you in a tizzy?  Then get your Thor Hammer down to the library on July 17!
On deck for the evening are a few amazing illustrators.  Joe Schichtel will be sketching your favorite super heroes.  These drawings will be up for raffle!

There will be a special guest author signing books and ready to chat with you.  We have comic book crafts and snacks to keep your tummy full and your creative mind busy.

Laura Charles will help you design your own super hero.  Her Little Girl print (above) is framed and awaiting to go home with one of the first 50 people in the door.

That's right, kids!  We have so many prizes to give away.  The first 50 people in the door will be entered for one of 6 framed prints by our guest artists. 

AAAAaaaannnnnnd......there is this little ole comic con next month.  Perhaps you have heard of Twin Tiers Comic Con...
We have 2 weekend passes to raffle to the first 50 people in the door on Friday.  These winners must be in costume, so get your gear today!
Kisscass Cosplay will be ready to judge the best of the best in costume creativity.  Please do not disappoint this lady!

If you love competitions, we are ready for you.  There will be an obstacle course competition.  The first hero to capture a villain will win some super-powered sugar snacks.  KAPOW!  
Did I mention the Super Smash Bros. competition?!?  There will be edible prizes awarded.

We will have LOTS OF COMIC BOOKS available to take home, cut up, turn into button pins and even eat from the pages.  That's right, we have devised a Super Hero Soup recipe specifically for the Library Unmasked.  
A special note of gratitude goes to our good friends at Heroes Your Mom Threw Out.  Jared provided us with FOUR BOXES OF COMICS TO GIVE AWAY!!!

If you are not gripping the edge of your seat and jumping with excitement, you may need to call an emergency help line.  The ONLY PLACE TO BE THIS FRIDAY is at the Southeast Steuben County Library for Library Unmasked.  

Be here!  Tell us that Grr sent you!